Contact Renewable Energy Benalla
ResidentsREB's activities have direct relevance to residents interested in reviewing energy use and considering renewably sourced energy. From workshops aimed at understanding and acting upon electricity bills to battery ready bulk buy offers, REB will continue to provide information, activities and projects of relevance to Benalla residents.
BusinessRBE interacts with the Benalla Business Network, has engaged with them in a recent 'business energy audit', and is keen to hear from businesses about their involvement or interest in further involvement with renewable energy. REB also has a keen interest in utility scale projects & liaises with businesses offering utility scale opportunities in the area.
Community OrganisationsREB is keen to work alongside community organisations which take steps to introduce renewable energy on site and to support community organisations interested in incorporating renewable energy as part of their asset base. Facilitation of 'behind the meter' projects using community buildings is of great interest to the REB Action Group.
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