Reduce 1/3: Energy Efficiency Most emissions in Benalla (82%) come from electricity use in residential homes (27%) and industrial and commercial (55%) businesses. This equates to approximately $26 million per year in electricity costs to the community. Much of this expense is wasted in drafts, air leaks around openings, and outdated heating and cooling systems. By reducing these losses through energy efficiency upgrades, Benalla can save money and provide more comfortable homes and businesses.
REB is concerned to improve the energy efficiency of buildings to reduce energy demand and energy bills. In 2018 and 2019 REB members designed and presented a workshop series 'Reduce Energy Bills and Increase Thermal Comfort' These free 2-hour workshops focused on improving the energy efficiency of existing buildings, making them more comfortable and reducing energy bills. Workshop 1 Understanding energy bills and getting the best rate
Workshop 2 Draught Proofing & Insulation Workshop 3 Lighting & Windows Workshop 4 Efficient Hot Water Systems, Heating and Cooling Workshop 5 Appliances & Cooking; Transitioning from Gas Workshop 6 Energy Monitoring, Solar Power & Batteries Voluntary Home Energy Efficiency Advisor Training May 2022
On 23rd, 24th and 25th May 2022 two of our members completed Voluntary Home Energy Efficiency Advisor training provided by the Hume Community Power Hub,
Community Power Hubs provide grants for community groups to install renewable energy and undertake energy audits, Indigo Power, and GV Community Energy are jointly delivering the Hume Community Power Hub. Once endorsed our Voluntary members will be able to advise about improving Home Energy Efficiency. Some Resources
BZE’s Energy Freedom Home, a resource that provides nine key steps to create more comfortable homes and buildings for lower ongoing running costs, along with resources listed in the right hand column, underpins REB's interventions to increase building efficiency. Sustainability Victoria's video 'Energy Efficiency at Home' is also highly recommended:
Noticeboard:'Reduce 1/3 - News'
Sustainable House Day is over for 2024 - however you can see featured homes and some extension sessions on YouTube!
HIghly Recommended Viewing
Grand Designs Transformations - Series 1 Episode 8 - 'Blackburn' - See it on iView! Sustainable House Day 2024
is coming up on April 21! Tours, extension sessions & more. Sustainable housing designs also feature Renew's 'Sanctuary Magazine's House Profiles web page. An innovative pilot program of current interest to REB - "Filling the gaps and cracks in energy inefficient houses" Castlemaine Mail, 23 June 2023.
LinksVictorian Energy Saver (Vic gov)
Renewable Energy |