REB Report to BSFG Meeting, 22nd February, 2018
The BZE-Benalla Transition Strategy document details three major strategies that need to be implemented to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve zero net energy. These strategies are: i) Energy efficiency measures to reduce energy use, ii) Promote and install local roof top solar, iii) Investigate utility scale renewables, battery storage and micro grids. Mondo Power Bulk Buy Offer Mondo Power will be presenting their proposal for a bulk buy of panels, monitoring systems and eventually batteries, and the establishment of microgrids, to the Benalla community in early April. This proposal, if accepted by community members, will lead to increased numbers of PV panels on roofs and has the potential to see the establishment of microgrids in Benalla at a future date. Action Plans Small working groups have started to prepare plans to start on the implementation of the three major strategies mentioned above:
Offer of assistance from solar farm developer FRV Services Australia, a Solar Farm Developer, has approached BSFG/REB to offer assistance. This is part of the community engagement and benefit sharing by renewable energy project developers required by the Victorian government if they wish to be involved in the VRET. Financial support is certainly part of this assistance being offered and there may be other forms of assistance as well. Indi Energy Action Group Cathy McGowan, Federal Member for Indi, has established an Indi Energy Action Group to promote and support community energy groups across the electorate of Indi. Community Energy Retailer Work is being done to investigate the possibility of establishing a community energy retailer in north-east Victoria. The proposed community energy retailer would be a decentralised energy retailer providing a platform for local communities to achieve community energy goals and access locally generated renewable energy.
In October REB held a Benalla Business Breakfast with the support of Benalla Rural City, and the Benalla Business Network. The purpose of the breakfast was to open up communication with the business community about a renewable energy future for Benalla. Key elements of the BZE transition plan for Benalla were presented as were key findings from the Energy Survey of Benalla Businesses. It was also an opportunity for local businesses to share their experiences of reducing their energy use and/or generating some or all of their energy needs. Information was also provided on funding options and grants available to businesses to assist with costs of implementing options to reduce energy use and/or generate energy.
Transition Strategy REB has been working with Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE) to develop a ten year transition strategy for Benalla to achieve 100% renewable energy. This transition plan was completed in November and details three key strategies that need to be implemented to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve zero net energy. These strategies are: i) Energy efficiency measures to reduce energy use, ii) Promote and install local roof top solar, iii) Investigate utility scale renewables,battery storage and micro grids. On 28th November, Renewable Energy Benalla and Beyond Zero Emissions, with support from Benalla Rural City Council, held a community forum and workshop to launch the transition strategy and to explore opportunities for energy efficiency, roof top solar, bulk buy programs, community energy projects and the potential for utility scale renewable energy. As a result of this workshop a number of community members volunteered to form small action groups to help Renewable Energy Benalla implement each of the three strategies mentioned above. John Lloyd Source: BSFG December Newsletter 2017 A community forum to launch Benalla's Zero Net Energy Transition Strategy will be held on Tuesday 28th November. The strategy is a plan for how all of Benalla's energy can come from renewable sources. This forum has been jointly organised by Renewable Energy Benalla and Beyond Zero Emissions with support from Benalla council.
The community group, Renewable Energy Benalla (REB), was established after the successful community forum held in October 2016 to discuss a renewable energy future for Benalla. The major objective of REB is to have Benalla become a zero net energy town by reducing energy use and balancing local energy needs with a 100% renewable energy supply. In December last year Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE), a national not for profit research and communication think tank, whose goal is to have Australia become a renewable energy superpower, selected Benalla as one of the three Victorian communities they would work with to help develop a transition strategy to zero net energy. In May this year REB conducted a community stakeholder workshop in conjunction with Beyond Zero Emissions to seek community input into the development of a transition strategy to 100% renewable energy for Benalla. Many ideas about possible actions to achieve zero net energy for Benalla were put forward under the three headings of: Buildings and Energy Efficiency; Solar and Community Energy; Large Scale Solar and Storage. These ideas have formed the basis of the transition strategy. John Lloyd, Convenor of Renewable Energy Benalla, said, "As well as launching the transition strategy the purpose of the forum will be to explore opportunities for energy efficiency, roof top solar, bulk buy programs, community energy projects, battery storage and large scale energy projects. We will also be looking to establish action groups to help REB drive each of these opportunities. We will need the help of community members if we are to make this happen." The forum will be held at BPACC on Monday 28th November from 7:00pm to 9:30pm. Everyone is welcome. For further information contact John Lloyd at [email protected] John Lloyd President, Benalla Sustainable Future Group Convenor, Renewable Energy Benalla |
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Banner - launch of REB's Munro Avenue Pre School 'behind the meter' solar panel installation, May 6 '21
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