Mondo Power's Revised Solar & Battery offer for Benalla closed on 7th December. Renewable Energy Benalla members reported that 24 people requested information about the revised offer at 'A Day in the Gardens' stall on Sunday 11 November, with other people chatting to REB members at street stalls about the offer in the Benalla Bridge Street shopping strip on 23, 24 and 30th November and 1st December. Whatever the take up of the Mondo offer, conversations about renewable energy with people who in the 'early to late contemplation stages' of moving to renewable energy sources, if not quite ready to decide and take action on this particular offer, are also significant and to be valued.
As you are no doubt aware, there is a positive and powerful transition unfolding across the Australian electricity sector as more people invest in solar panels on their homes and businesses. Renewable Energy Benalla is encouraging this transition locally alongside a vibrant renewable energy sector.
Renewable Energy Benalla (REB) was formed with the specific intent to help Benalla transition to a low-carbon future. REB has worked closely with many local people and with the support of Beyond Zero Emissions, a not-for-profit carbon reduction agency, to develop a strategy for Benalla to transition to 100% renewable energy over the next 10 years. Across Benalla Rural City 21% of Benalla properties are already experiencing the great benefits of renewable energy, which include;
A wide range of solar systems are available on the market and it is extremely important to scrutinize the quality, performance and durability of various technologies and brands. REB have been partnering with energy market experts, Mondo Power to offer a solar and battery package to encourage more people to join this transition to clean renewable energy. This revised offer from Mondo Power has a pricing structure which includes the Mondo Ubi, a smart energy monitoring and management device which enables the creation of microgrids. The offer is based on high quality solar systems tailored to match the individual needs of Benalla residents, which includes the Ubi and the ability to integrate a battery system. The attachments provide more detail about the Ubi, microgrids and pricing structure. This offer is due to end on the 7th of December, 2018, so please submit your ‘expression of interest’ to have an obligation free site-inspection completed at your home: A further advantage of this current offer is that it coincides with the Victorian government's Solar Home Program which is aimed at installing solar panels on the roofs of thousands of Victorian homes. This scheme offers a 50% rebate for any solar panel system under 10kW, up to a maximum rebate of $2225. More details can be found at the program's website: REB looks forward to working with the community to help the transition to 100% renewable energy. For more information on how we aim to achieve this please visit our website: John Lloyd Convenor Renewable Energy Benalla" If you are considering the Renewable Energy Benalla and Mondo Power's Bulk Buy offer, you may be interested in watching this video, which backgrounds a similar scheme in Yackandandah REB Report to BSFG Meeting, 22nd February, 2018
The BZE-Benalla Transition Strategy document details three major strategies that need to be implemented to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve zero net energy. These strategies are: i) Energy efficiency measures to reduce energy use, ii) Promote and install local roof top solar, iii) Investigate utility scale renewables, battery storage and micro grids. Mondo Power Bulk Buy Offer Mondo Power will be presenting their proposal for a bulk buy of panels, monitoring systems and eventually batteries, and the establishment of microgrids, to the Benalla community in early April. This proposal, if accepted by community members, will lead to increased numbers of PV panels on roofs and has the potential to see the establishment of microgrids in Benalla at a future date. Action Plans Small working groups have started to prepare plans to start on the implementation of the three major strategies mentioned above:
Offer of assistance from solar farm developer FRV Services Australia, a Solar Farm Developer, has approached BSFG/REB to offer assistance. This is part of the community engagement and benefit sharing by renewable energy project developers required by the Victorian government if they wish to be involved in the VRET. Financial support is certainly part of this assistance being offered and there may be other forms of assistance as well. Indi Energy Action Group Cathy McGowan, Federal Member for Indi, has established an Indi Energy Action Group to promote and support community energy groups across the electorate of Indi. Community Energy Retailer Work is being done to investigate the possibility of establishing a community energy retailer in north-east Victoria. The proposed community energy retailer would be a decentralised energy retailer providing a platform for local communities to achieve community energy goals and access locally generated renewable energy. |
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Banner - launch of REB's Munro Avenue Pre School 'behind the meter' solar panel installation, May 6 '21
January 2025
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