Both Kevin and David have been attending Community Energy Network bi-monthly meetings - these are an excellent information source on this fast moving topic.
One of our main interests is Community Batteries. While the engineering need is straight forward, sadly the politics of our totally privatised system make it impossible for Community Batteries to actually benefit the Community - they are, of course very beneficial to the likes of Ausnet! There is much movement to change the rules and tariff structures to enable a fairer system - strongly opposed by those benefitting from the current system! REB organised an electric vehicle for Benalla drivers to have access to an extended driving experience which was enthusiastically taken up. We know of at least one local EV recently purchased. Benalla will need more EV charging points. We have also been looking at ways to encourage more and better use of PV and Batteries. We hope to expand a current pilot trial to Benalla for more economical use of Heat Pump hot water and PV. There is currently strong pressure to start subsidising behind the meter Batteries (perhaps drop the PV subsidy seeing they are now so cheap), which would be very beneficial to everyone. There is a proposal to extend our revolving fund (kindergartens) PV installation to the new Men’s Shed complex if we can sort out the metering complexity. Kevin Smith
"Peter Holmes giving the thumbs-up to his EV driving experience" Feedback from early test drives in our loaned Electric Vehicle At the BSFG meeting in May last year, Russell Klose of Kilowatt Cars demonstrated and spoke on EVs, and offered BSFG a loan vehicle for members and friends to be able to experience an EV through an "extended test drive". David and Kevin followed up with Russell and picked up his Nissan Leaf in January to bring to Benalla. So far we have had around half a dozen members and friends try the car, some taking it for an overnight test and experiencing the home charging task. The list of interested people is around 20 and growing, so if you're interested you will need to get in quick before it is returned to Russell in the next couple of weeks!
A quick sample of comments so far from our testers include:- On the positive side:
A few downsides were noted:
The model Leaf supplied by Russell is the one with a 40 kwh battery, with a nominal range of 240 km. There is also a model with a 60 kwh size battery with a commensurately larger range. Range is greatly affected by speed, terrain and (less so) use of aircon, lights and other features. For those interested, V2L is a feature some EVs have which allows the vehicle battery to be used to power the home. Since a Tesla home battery is around 11-12 kwh, the advantage of having an EV with this capability is obvious, and examples occurred in the recent Qld flood power blackouts where EVs were used to power home-based medical devices (reports in The Age and Guardian)!" David Blore 0407885410 You may remember that in March this year, Russell Klose from Kilowatt cars visited Benalla and gave a presentation to BSFG about Electric Vehicles.
Renewable Energy Benalla (part of BSFG) will be taking up Russell's kind offer of an Electric Vehicle on loan in the new year. This will allow members to have an extended test drive, see how and if an Electric Vehicle could suit your needs, and directly address questions you may have such as range and charging. The car (a 40 kWh Nissan Leaf) will be on loan for a week or two in January (exact times to be confirmed) and will be garaged in Benalla for that time. If you are interested in having an extended test drive, please email David Blore (BSFG Vice President) at [email protected] for bookings. Intending borrowers will also need to provide licence details and a phone number for making arrangements. Judy Schwarzman Secretary, BSFG On Thursday 30th March Russell Klose from Kilowatt Cars (Yackandandah based supplier of used Nissan Leaf Electric Vehicles (EV's) from Japan) presented a question, answer and drive session to 'a packed house' in the Benalla Uniting Church's general purpose meeting room.
The session started 5.30pm with a talk from Russell about Kilowatt Cars, what they are doing and why, why you should consider buying an EV, how to charge it (at home/on the road), bulk buy opportunities and the advantages of EV ownership-lower running costs, low emission driving etc. After his talk Russell made vehicles available to look at/sit in and test drive. A shared pizza dinner provided a valued opportunity to chat with others moving from contemplating to acting on the purchase of an electric vehicle. The session continued at 7.30 pm with a question-and-answer session with Russell, a great opportunity for those present to talk with someone who sells EVs, and has travelled over 25,000km in an EV around Australia. BSFG/REB members and supporters were also contacted to let them know that Russell would be speaking again at "Electrifying Agriculture in Euroa" on Thursday 13th April. Run by Farmers for Climate Action, with Solar Citizens and Euroa Environment Group. the event focused on the benefits of electric cars for farmers, as well as the future of EVs in the regions. Speakers from Farmers for Climate Action and Solar Citizens also spoke, as well as some local farmers and EV owners. One of Australia’s first electric utes, an electric farm bike, and other EVs were on site so that attendees could check out the technology for themselves. A good news story from the Benalla Rural City news page in the Benalla Ensign on Wednesday 12 April 2023, p2. EV Charging Station coming to Benalla
"Works to install a public electric vehicle (EV) charger at Benalla's Denny Street carpark are currently underway. Council is supporting EV charger company Evie Networks who are installing a 50kW EV charger, servicing two parking bays in the Denny Street carpark. Council is also finalising negotiations on a separate charging station with Tesla. The installation of these chargers is in line with Council's commitment to support the community to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions." Another article - 'Charge up your EVs' - relating to the installation of chargers in Benalla was published by the Ensign on Wednesday April 5th Russell Klose from Kilowatt Cars (Yackandandah based supplier of used Nissan Leaf Electric Vehicles (EV's) from Japan) will be presenting a question, answer and drive session at the Benalla Uniting Church, on Thursday 30th March.
We will start at 5.30pm with a talk from Russell on who they are, what they are doing and why, why you should consider buying an EV, how to charge it (at home/on the road), bulk buy opportunities and the advantages of EV ownership-lower running costs, low emission driving etc. After this part of the talk is finished, Russell will have vehicles available to look at/sit in and test drive. Then there will be a shared pizza dinner. A gold coin donation would be appreciated. At 7.30 pm we’ll have a question-and-answer session with Russell, a great opportunity to talk with someone who sells EVs, and has travelled over 25,000km in an EV around Australia. To book go to : Or email: [email protected] We hope you can join us. Judy Schwarzman Secretary, BSFG |
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Banner - launch of REB's Munro Avenue Pre School 'behind the meter' solar panel installation, May 6 '21
January 2025
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